Facts About Life| Interesting Facts About Life That Will Surprise You

Interesting Facts About Life That Will Surprise You

Fun realities frequently surprise us and is many times engaging in the most ideal manner. These are surprising and startling pieces of information from the universe of history, science and mainstream society that joys and will leave us dumbfounded. Here are a few tomfoolery and astounding realities that will excite and shock you simultaneously!

Human Body Facts

1. Your eyes blink around 20 times a minute

2. You are the tallest when you first wake up

3. Babies don’t cry until they are one month old

4. Humans shed 40 pounds of skin in our lifetime

5. 80% of the human brain is water

6. Fingernails grow faster than toenails

7. The human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap

8. You produce about 40,000 liters of spit in your lifetime

9. There are certain kinds of tumors that can grow their own teeth and hair

10. The femur is the strongest and longest bone in your body

1. Your eyes blink around 20 times a minute

That is north of ten million times per year.

2. You are the tallest when you first wake up

This is because of gravity compacting ligament in our spines while we rest.

3. Babies don’t cry until they are one month old

The tear channels of infants keep on creating after birth so it requires one to 90 days before they are full fledged.

4. Humans shed 40 pounds of skin in our lifetime

The external layer of skin is additionally supplanted consistently.

5. 80% of the human brain is water

In the event that you don't remain got dried out you can rapidly get a cerebral pain.

6. Fingernails grow faster than toenails

This is on the grounds that your fingernails get more sun.

7. The human body contains enough fat to make seven bars of soap

That is the reason Tyler Durden involves human fat in the cleanser he makes in Battle Club.

8. You produce about 40,000 liters of spit in your lifetime

That is sufficient to fill 500 baths. Yuck.

9. There are certain kinds of tumors that can grow their own teeth and hair

They are called teratomas.

10. The femur is the strongest and longest bone in your body

The littlest bone is situated in your ear.

Science Facts

1. 2 is the only even prime number

2. The average person walks the equivalent of five times around the world during their lifetime

3. Tungsten is the hardest metal

4. Hot water freezes faster than cold water

5. You can’t taste food without saliva

6. Oxygen isn’t colorless

7. Tomatoes have more genes than humans

8. Diamonds are the hardest natural substance

9. Stephen Hawking never won a Nobel Prize

10. The average person has five liters of blood inside them

1. 2 is the only even prime number

An indivisible number is a unique number that is just distinguishable by 1 and itself.

2. The average person walks the equivalent of five times around the world during their lifetime

That’s around 7,500 steps per day.

3. Tungsten is the hardest metal

It’s often used in space travel.

4. Hot water freezes faster than cold water

This is due to the Mpemba effect.

5. You can’t taste food without saliva

The spit breaks up the food and gives you its taste.

6. Oxygen isn’t colorless

While you can't understand what variety oxygen is in gas structure when it's a strong or fluid it is a light blue tone.

7. Tomatoes have more genes than humans

They have over 7,000 more genes than we do. 

8. Diamonds are the hardest natural substance

While not actually the hardest substance, jewels are the most grounded normal substance tracked down on the planet.

9. Stephen Hawking never won a Nobel Prize

Despite all his work, he never got the big prize.

10. The average person has five liters of blood inside them

On the off chance that you lose 40% of blood and don't get a bonding you will bite the dust.

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